Author: Scott

  • Chapter 2 – U.S. Domestic Extremism Scenario



    Rather than teaching data analysis, putting students in a scenario where they need to use the data tools to answer questions is often more interesting, while still teaching the relevant skills. We’ll start our first example here, first with PowerPoint to set the background and establish the scenario, then by moving into Tableau and the…

  • Chapter 1 – Getting Started Teaching with Data



    As mentioned in the Introduction, we will be using Tableau Desktop for this course. It is available for free for two weeks (as of this writing). If you like the software, students and teachers can apply for a one-year academic license. You will need to fill out a form to confirm your student/teacher status, then (as described in the…

  • Introduction to Teaching with Data



    Welcome to Teaching with Data! The goal is to provide a useful resource for teachers trying to incorporate data analysis and visualization into their courses. If you are unfamiliar with data analysis, no worries! We will start by covering the basics.  What is data, and what can I do with it? For interesting, inspiring, and sometimes…